Ignite Sparks

Let's chat about wastewater and the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility

City of Sparks, Nevada Season 1 Episode 4

Do you every wonder what happens to all the "stuff" when you flush your toilet or drain your tub? Or when you run your dishwasher, garbage disposal or take a shower? 

Well, it travels through sewer pipes and heads out to the Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (TMWRF) where it is put through a rigorous filtration process and returned to the Truckee River or reused to water, irrigate--and many other uses.  Did you know that before we had sewer plants, adults and many many children were dying of diseases such as cholera? 

Take a listen to this informative podcast about the high standards at TMWRF and why when we talk about water in the Truckee Meadows it's important to know where all this "influent" and "effluent" water is going!

My guests are Plant Manager Michael Drinkwater and Plant Engineer Casey Mentzer. 
